Quenching The Kill out in 2013. Preview copies available- for more info click on Quenching the Kill tab below...

Sunday, 15 April 2012

An update

Hey all, it's been a while since I've written. Over the last few months, I've been quite unwell, my doc diagnosed me with chronic fatigue/ adrenal exhaustion. I think the working full time as well as working on the album took it's toll, so I've taken a complete break from both over the last few weeks.

In Feb, we recorded some more tracks and will be following that up soon. We can't decide however, whether to include these in the album- we may make them into a whole other album or EP which will follow the release of the album.

In addition, over the last few months, my pledge campaign reached 100% which was amazing!! I was soo happy:) That means the mixing and mastering are covered. However, because I've not been able to work the last while, it means I haven't been earning funds to save up for the final takes of the vocals I still need to do. If you know anyone who might be interested to pledge, please pass on the link- there are a couple of weeks left, so I'm hoping that might be enough time to increase the percentage enough for me to afford to finish off the vocals!

Anyhoow..thought I'd share a few links of things I liked while listening/ reading over the past while:

"The kingdom of plants can easily be thought of as the nearest neighbour of the kingdom of death. Perhaps the mysteries of transformation and the enigmas of life which so torment us are concentrated in the green of the earth, among the trees in graveyards and the flowering shoots springing from their beds. Mary Magdalene, not at once recognising Jesus risen from the grave, took Him for the gardener." Pasternak

“When the first chakra is disconnected from the feminine Earth, we can feel orphaned and motherless. The masculine principle predominates, and we look for security from material things. Individuality prevails over relationship, and selfish... drives triumph over family, social and global responsibility. The more separated we become from the Earth, the more hostile we become to the feminine. We disown our passion, our creativity, and our sexuality. Eventually the Earth itself becomes a baneful place. I remember being told by a medicine woman in the Amazon, "Do you know why they are really cutting down the rain forest? Because it is wet and dark and tangled and feminine.”
― Alberto Villoldo

'When we are deadlocked in pain or ecstasy, when we are “surprised by joy;” this does not lead on to the notion that religions will be proved right after all, and in a few hundred million years’ time God will be revealed. It does though lead me to doubt the absolute authority of reason.' Melvyn Bragg


Listening to: (radio head, worrywort)
Suzanna Vega (new acoustic songs) Suzanne Vega, the queen and the soldier
Nattura, Bjork


  1. Could you please post the lyrics to the song Fingers? Thank you :)


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