there was a young lady from hitchin
who was always so bored of bitchin'
so spent all her time doing other good things
like licking the spoons in her kitchen!
Ok, soo, well a new year starts- I wish you all a very good year!
One of main activities the last few days has included starting on a puzzle. I got two great puzzles for christmas- not too large and with good pictures of paintings...I always thought puzzles are past- time things for when you get older, but I have decided to make some changes this year. I've decided the best things are things that appear to have no rational point or end result- just for the sake of enjoying them for surely that is a good thing!:)
Right so mission for this year- is to keep on the mission of this album and just GET IT DONE!!
Things remaining to do: last vocal tracks, two more new songs to record end Jan- via amazing offer from RED BULL'S STUDIO for freeee, mixing and mastering after pledge campaign has finished, artwork and piccys and then hunt for a groovy label:)! There are a couple of slightly leftfield ones I've got my beady eye on, but still doing some research. If you have any ideas feel free to email me here:
Re my interests/ inspirations of late- I've been listening to Eric Francis' astrological readings- which mix psychological aspects with the symbolism of what is happening in the stars- I'm not sure if I believe that the stars write our fate at all, but I am drawn time and again to anything that has strong symbolism created by humans, because of the subconscious truth is feels it contains. I love mythology and archetypes/ fairy tales and all sorts of religious writings and stories, for the symbolism and messages they contain about human nature....there's lots to learn...
Eric Francis' pod cast for virgo got me thinking about consumerism and how that hijacks our own wishes without realizing- I don't mean just subliminal messages to buy things- but the whole work/ job pressure thing- which is particularly difficult to not buy into and tough to be a musician/ artist or any other vocation that's unconventional..I finally got round to watching the Adam Curtis series 'century of the self' on how Freud's nephew used the ideas about desires supposedly uncovered by psychoanalysis, to construct PR and dupe the masses. I watched two episodes at once and it quite freaked me out!
Eric Francis also made a little astrological reading around the middle of his podcast for 2011 on his website: planet waves
Also musicians I've been listening to have been real christmassy- Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra
Nina Simone (particularly fell for this track "> black is the colour of my true love's hair. I've also continued to be crazy about Bjork's new album and Tune Yard's new album- here's a track from her new album: t;bizness"> bizness. Also a suuuper little gig ""tune yards tiny desk concert"> here .
That's it for now!x